Summary: | The vortices in a square nozzle encourage more entrainment than round nozzle in principle, and thus should increase mixing. This is due to the characteristic of the vortices created by the nozzle geometry.
In this study, Combined Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence (PLIF) were used to quantify the velocity and concentration fields of an inclined square 30° dense jet concurrently, and compared with the existing data of an inclined round 30° dense jet. All parameters were kept similar between the two conditions. Several important parameters, for instance, the maximum centreline height, its corresponding horizontal distance, the horizontal distance of the impact point and minimum dilution along the centreline trajectory, were investigated together with the velocity and concentration profiles.
The results showed that the square jet has a lower dilution at centreline peak and a higher dilution at the return point due to a longer potential core region of 8D compared to 3D. A square jet also delivers a higher elevation of centreline peak at a similar horizontal distance compared to a round jet.