Summary: | Recently, with the development of Artificial Intelligence in finance, using it in stock market
trending analysis and prediction has attracted massive attention from various investors and
researchers. It has always been a well-known area of study since the creation of Artificial
Intelligence. In the last decade, the progress in machine learning has introduced new prospect
with new algorithms and models that can be used in stock price prediction.
It is almost impossible to predict future stocks prices precisely without any error but Artificial
Intelligence can help us to make better decisions on when to buy, sell or hold a stock so the
investment can be profitable in the long run. A decent stock investment strategy normally
consists of different stock prediction methodologies such as technical analysis, sentimental
analysis and fundamental analysis. Artificial Intelligence is well known to have an
outstanding advantage in quantitative finance. However, it is difficult for a trader to develop
an agent that automatically execute actions to buy or sell stocks in the market due to
strenuous debugging and hard programming. Traders often must specifically choose which
stock to trade, at what price and what quantity [54]. It would be great to have an AI agent to
help trader in making decisions.
This project starts with a detailed study on recent applications of different deep reinforcement
learning models and long short-term memory model in financial tasks. For deep
reinforcement learning model, actor-critics approach is the most popular one and it fits well
with the volatile and complex nature of financial market. Six state of the art models such as
LSTM, DDPG, A2C, PPO, TD3 and SAC are studied in detail.
First, we choose a stock and then collect indicators of the stock data. Next, we preprocessed
the historical price and feature data then feed into models for training, the trading strategy is
learnt from neural networks. A simulated environment is then created to be used for
evaluating trading decisions output by model. Lastly, we set an initial capital and backtest the
model on test data and see the amount of profit gained from trading the stocks. Furthermore,
the transaction cost is incorporated.