Summary: | Over the years, much research and soil mechanics theories had been carried out and
derived respectively to describe the strength behavior of soil. However, we still do not have a
good understanding of the engineering behavior of cemented soil such as tropical soils. Their
strength behavior can be different from that expected by these classical theories.
The objectives of this project are to use the direct simple shear tests to observe the
strength behavior of laboratory-made artificially cemented soil. Artificially cemented soil
samples will be shear at 0.036mm/min under various conditions. From the test results, certain
strength parameters such as the effective friction angle, ;’ and cohesion intercept, c’ of the
cemented soil will be determined.
From the direct simple shear test results, it is observed that the stress anisotropy and
stress history of the soil affect its shear strength and stress-strain behavior. It is found that the
shear strength increases with increasing overconsolidation ratio (OCR) value. From these trends,
it can be concluded that the cemented soil will also behave similarly in a manner, with respect to
non-cemented soil, as described by the classical theories.