Summary: | With the rise of traffic congestion in society due to globalisation, many solutions have been birthed to attempt tackling and solving this issue. Urban Air Mobility (UAM) is one of the solutions that have been evolving over the years, giving rise to the cutting-edge eVTOL aircraft. While eVTOL aircraft provide many benefits to society as a mode of transport, manufacturing one is not an easy task due to the complex structural loads it has to withstand. Due to this requirement, composite materials have been employed to manufacture an eVTOL. However, composite manufacturing is an extremely costly process requires large investments to embark on. Thus, this report comes in to fill in the gap, providing the methodology to manufacture small-scale composite eVTOL aircraft components. The fuselage and boom manufacturing will be the focus of this report. As research in design and manufacturing blooms in eVTOL aircraft, the possibility of eVTOLs and UAM solving traffic congestions comes one step closer.