Summary: | Polysaccharide hydrogels have been widely used in the biomedical field for a wide range of
applications, such as scaffolding for tissue engineering, living cell encapsulation and bone and
cartilage repair. In particular, sodium alginate is a naturally derived hydrogel material and has
a wide applicability as biomaterials. 3D printing offers a versatile method to fabricate
hydrogels into desired 3D structures on demand. However, due to the limited viscosity of
sodium alginate solution, 3D printing alginate hydrogels often requires either supporting
materials to hold the printed structures in place or incorporation of other polymers into the
sodium alginate solution to increase the ink viscosity before the printed structures are
crosslinked into physical hydrogels with divalent cations.
In recent years, non-conventional methods to induce gelation in alginate hydrogels have been
identified. One such method relies on the use of organic solvents. It has been observed that
several different organic solvents can induce gelation in sodium alginate. However, there has
yet to be a solvent parameter established for the extent of gelation induced in the hydrogel. In
this project, controlled experiments were conducted to systematically investigate the suitability
of solvent polarity as the solvent property responsible for inducing gelation in alginate
hydrogels. Rheology testing was conducted across different concentrations of organic solvents
known to induce gelation in alginate hydrogels and the corresponding sol-to-gel transition
temperature was identified. Comparison is made against the polarities of the solvents.
The results obtained were indicative of a trend present in the gelation induced by organic
solvents, but insufficient evidence was obtained across a larger range of concentrations to
conclude that solvent polarity is the key parameter towards inducing gelation in alginate
hydrogels. This project proposes for further experiments to be conducted using different
parameters and methods to better isolate the dominant gelation mechanism and identify if there
are any dominant solvent parameters influencing the gelation in alginate hydrogels.