Summary: | The flight demonstrator model is a system used to demonstrate the principles of
control of and interaction between an aircraft’s control surfaces and components,
and how and why fluid power is used for this task. Its purpose is to act as an
interesting showpiece and to get students interested in aerospace engineering.
NTU has many visitors from the secondary schools and high schools in Indone-
sia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand visiting the hangar. This flight demonstrator
will be an important contribution to inspire and encourage the student visitors
to consider to study aerospace engineering in the future. The visitors will be able
to ”fly” the demonstrator using a yoke and watch how the aircraft reacts to their
The flight demonstrator consists of an airplane model which is attached to a
pneumatically powered four degree of freedom mechanism, which allows rotational
movement around the three axes as well as translational movement along the
vertical axis. It is controlled by a computer program which accepts input from
a yoke. The software calculates the position and orientation of the model by
interfacing to the JSBSim flight simulation library. This simulation is based on
a relatively realistic flight dynamics model, taking into account the pilot input,
thrust, aerodynamic effects of all control surfaces and even air pocket turbulence
etc. From this information, the desired positions of the aircraft and the control
surfaces are calculated. Reading feedback from position sensors on the model,
a software implemented three-step controller activates the valves to move the
model to the desired position. Just like the model is actuated by pneumatics, the
model’s control surfaces are actuated by pneumatic cylinders as well.