Summary: | Even before the covid-19 pandemic, virtual
consultations (also called telemedicine consultations)
were on the rise, with many healthcare systems
advocating a digital-first approach.1 -7 At the start of
the pandemic, many GPs and specialists turned to
video consultations to reduce patient flow through
healthcare facilities and limit infectious
exposures.8 -16 Video and telephone consultations
also enable clinicians who are well but have to
self-isolate, or who fall into high risk groups and
require shielding, to continue providing medical
care.17 -19 The scope for video consultations for long
term conditions is wide and includes management
of diabetes, hypertension, asthma, stroke, psychiatric
illnesses, cancers, and chronic pain.20 -22 Video
consultations can also be used for triage and
management of a wide range of acute conditions,
including, for example, emergency eye care
triage.23 -25 This practice pointer summarises the
evidence on the use of video consultations in
healthcare and offers practical recommendations for
video consulting in primary care and outpatient