Summary: | Carbon-based materials have been studied for their antimicrobial properties. Previously, most antimicrobial studies are investigated with suspended nanoparticles in a liquid medium. Most works are often carried out with highly ordered pyrolytic graphite. These materials are expensive and are not viable for mass use on high-touch surfaces. Additionally, highly antimicrobial silver nanoparticles are often incorporated onto substrates by chemical reduction. At times, harmful chemicals are used. In this work, low-cost graphite pencils are mechanically exfoliated and transferred onto Si substrates. The sparsely-covered graphite flakes are treated by either plasma O2or UV irradiation. Subsequently, Ag is photo reduced in the presence of UV onto selected graphite flake samples. It is found that graphite flake surface topography and defects are dependent on the treatment process. High surface roughness and (defects density,ID/IG) are induced by plasma O2follows by UV and pristine graphite flake as follows: 6.45 nm (0.62), 4.96 nm (0.5), 3.79 nm (0.47). Antimicrobial tests withE. colireveal high killing efficiency by photoreduced Ag-on-graphite flake. The reversible effect of Ag leaching can be compensated by repeating the photoreduction process. This work proposes that UV treatment is a promising technique over that of plasma O2in view that the latter treated surface could repel bacteria resulting in lower bacteria-killing efficiency.