Summary: | There is an increasing need to improve the ways humans and robots collaborate and interact.
Social robots can be equipped with additional capabilities to perceive and respond to humans.
They can also be granted emotional intelligence and be able to observe and interpret human
emotions. Some robots are designed to be human companions.
In this project, the design of a prototype quadruped robot for human companionship is explored.
The robot features include 8DOF movement, vision through an image sensor, and Wi-Fi
communication. The robot is capable of moving into different poses and detecting human
emotions from their facial expressions. The robot system consists of a quadruped robot and a
server on an external computer for performing face detection and emotion recognition.
The design process includes the sourcing for electronics and designing the circuitry, designing
the robot body in CAD and 3D printing it, writing sensor and actuation control codes and data
structures for defining the robot, and designing an architecture for the software. Software
testing is done to verify the correctness of the codes.