Summary: | In this report, we present the observations of strong exciton-polariton coupling
in a semiconductor quantum microcavity structure. The first section
will begin by introducing the mathematical tools used to generate the simulated
theoretical transmission spectra via transfer matrix methods. The discussion
will then be followed by the concepts of particle interactions which
cover the notions of exciton and polariton in the microcavity. The section
will be finished with the explanation on the structure and the frameworks of
the semiconductor quantum microcavity as well as the principles of the techniques
that were adopted in the experiments. The simulated transmission
spectra reveal several parameters that can affect the stopband properties of
the microcavity, such as refractive index contrast, a number of bi-layer pairs,
the relative configuration between the top and the bottom DBRs, as well as the
presence of additional layer in between the two DBRs. Experiments were
done on both the empty microcavity and the microcavity involving the dielectric
active region. While the experiment at room temperature did not succeed in
observing the presence of strong exciton-polariton coupling, the experiment
conducted at cryogenic temperature showed the presence of Rabi splitting in
the energy dispersion which suggests the existence of strong coupling in the
cavity structure. Upon the completion of this project, further study on the
strong coupling will be conducted to uncover many other properties of the
semiconductor quantum microcavity.