Summary: | Global GHG emissions have become increasingly important for industries. CO2 emissions
reached a new record high in 2021, and they are expected to rise even further in the future.
Compared to other sectors, although the shipping industry does not contribute to the highest level
of GHG emissions, the industry would emit more if there were no regulations to control vessel
emissions. The IMO recognised the importance and urgency of establishing standards and
regulations to control these emissions. Hence, various emission measures to assist the industry in
reducing ship emissions were adopted over time. This paper examines the technical perspectives
of future shipping with methanol fuel by evaluating the concerns encountered. In addition, this
paper serves as a platform for research participants to discuss the feasibility of methanol as
opposed to other alternative fuels.
Primary and secondary findings were used as research methodologies to collect qualitative and
quantitative data. Primary research was conducted using a questionnaire and interviews with
maritime stakeholders with knowledge and experience in decarbonisation, while secondary
research was conducted for cross-referencing, providing a thorough understanding of the issues
confronting maritime stakeholders.
The results of the questionnaire were analysed and discussed using statistical analysis. In addition,
discussions on methanol's feasibility for future shipping were also conducted with the
interviewees to gain a deeper understanding of industrial views. According to the findings,
methanol is a feasible future marine fuel. Furthermore, the study discovered no significant
technical challenges to adopting and using methanol fuels on existing and new vessels. Instead,
respondents expressed technical concerns about the chemical processes involved in the methanol
life cycle's production and recycling stages.
Following that, the paper provided three recommendations pertaining to the challenges
highlighted by respondents at each stage. These recommendations were made to improve the
industry’s adoption rate of methanol fuels and are not limited to technical aspects. The
recommendations include the development of new technologies, the establishment of industry
standards, and the construction of methanol infrastructure for specific ports.
To conclude the paper, four conclusions were drawn. First, methanol production increases the
technical difficulty and production costs as it is a complex molecule. Second, retrofitting of
existing fleet and newbuilds are simple as standards and guidelines are established. Third, due to
a lack of funds, additional investments by shipping companies are not feasible. Fourth, methanol
is feasible only if cost reduction is addressed at all stages of methanol production.