Summary: | The pursuit of energy resources is an endless quest of our civilization. Inevitably, through decades of attaining energy, it has created a barrage of carbon footprints. These carbon footprints then manifested further and re-emerge with tangible global warming effects.
In order to ensure sustainability or continuity in Earth’s energy resources, renewable energies and other green energies have been explored to some extent. However, there are some of limitations surrounding newer technologies such as costs and unpredictability in entirety presents certain obstacle in mass consumption. Instead of solely trying to solve the big issue, we can perhaps begin by breaking them down into energy sectors in our society. For instance, reduction in energy demand could be possible if energy efficiency is improved.
The technology in Energyplus™ simulation tools and the enhanced knowledge in materials research have improved leaps and bounds than several decades ago. Hence, adjustments by integrating these realms of expertise should be delved into further to make existing and future buildings even more ‘energy-friendly’.