Summary: | 2022 年 9 月 8 日,英女王伊丽莎白二世逝世。英女王作为末任英属香港虚位元首,见证了香港 1997 年回归前在大英帝国最后管治下的建设和发展。通过分析她在香港文化中的转变,便能理解香港与大英帝国长达 45 年 “脱殖” 与 “反殖” 间的情感及紧张关系。然而,香港回归前后的 20 几年,直至英女王驾崩的 2022 年,因为与母体中国共产政权关系的转变,使香港对这位代表宗主国的女王、母后、老板娘(粤语,即女性雇主)的情感产生前所未有的移情作用。本研究通过对文献、影视、歌曲等香港流行文化的分析整理,探讨英女王在香港文化生产中的形象,并由此观察香港殖民史从“反殖” 到 “恋殖”的迭宕。香港文化中对英女王的记载、刻画、嘲讽或歌颂,其实都不能反映她本身的任何实情。她只是一个符号,反映的是大英帝国与中国两者如何争夺香港人文化及情感认同的“战争”,她在香港人笔下的印记与形象,随著香港回归历史的转变而有所变化。本文将以索绪尔的 “符号学” 理论,并参考学者刘禾 “超级符号” 对中英两国 19世纪外交史的分析,以香港流行文化对英女王形象的描绘,探究香港人如何在中英两国 70年夹逢间建构后殖民文化身份。Queen Elizabeth II passed away on 8 September 2022. As the last titular head of British Hong Kong, the Queen witnessed the construction and development of Hong Kong under the last British Empire rule before the Handover in 1997. Her transformation in Hong Kong’s culture can be analyzed to understand the emotions and tensions between Hong Kong and the British Empire’s 45-year-long “Decolonization” and “Anti-Colonialism” relationship. However, before and after the Handover of Hong Kong in 1997 until the Queen’s death in 2022, which spanned over 20 years, have created unprecedented emotional empathy in Hong Kong towards her as the Queen, mother, and “boss lady” (Cantonese for a female employer), who represented suzerainty because of the transformation of Hong Kong's relationship with the communist Chinese regime. This study explores the image of the Queen and the cultural production of Hong Kongers through the analysis and collation of documentation, film and television, songs, and other popular culture in Hong Kong to analyze the iterations of Hong Kong’s colonial history from “Anti-Colonialism” to “Pro-Colonialism”. The records, portrayals, satires, and glorifications of the Queen in Hong Kong culture do not reflect anything authentic about the Queen herself. She merely serves as a symbol, reflecting the “battle” between the British Empire and China over the cultural and emotional identity of Hong Kongers. The Queen’s image and impressions in Hong Kong culture shifted with the historical transformations of Hong Kong return to China. This paper will use Ferdinand Mongin de Saussure’s “Semiotics” theory and refer to the scholar Lydia H. Liu’s “Super-Sign”, which analyzes the nineteenth-century diplomatic history of China and Britain, and looks over the portrayal of the Queen in Hong Kong popular culture to explore how Hong Kongers have constructed their post-colonial identity over the 70 years of Sino-British relations.