Summary: | 纪录片是帮助我们了解周围环境和现实世界的有效媒介和工具,而纪录片的其中模式——表现型纪录片模糊事实和虚构的界限,让观众以不同的视角和情感看待和审视世界。
艾拉·瑞德以表现型纪录片模式来呈现中国快速城市化和城市空间下的社会议题, 同时创造出一种反思性的话语空间,这使得她的作品成为一个有趣的研究对象。本文将探讨艾拉·瑞德的两部表现型纪录片——《双喜》和《一窥鬼》,试图分析当中采用的电影拍摄手法和表现性技巧如何为观众对中国快速城市化和其城市空间提供观点和思考。
Documentaries serve as an effective medium to help us understand the world around us. Of which, performative documentaries blur the line between facts and fiction, which offers the audience a different perspective and take on the world.
Creating a discursive and reflective space whilst presenting China’s societal issues of rapid urbanisation and urban spaces, Ella Raidel’s choice of performative documentary makes an interesting study. This paper studies Ella Raidel’s performative documentaries, Double Happiness and A Pile of Ghosts - to analyse her application of cinematic and performative techniques in offering perspective and insight into the above-mentioned societal issues.