Summary: | In this report, I studied the behaviour of exciton polariton condensate system in the context of
microcavity nodes and proposed methods to exploit its properties for making perceptron. I first
found the analytical equilibrium solutions to a three nodes toy model of perceptron in the weak
coupling limit and demonstrated the bistable nature of the exciton polariton condensate system
along with an unstable equilibrium. Then, I characterized the different regimes in the parameter
space where bistability manifests and found the conditions that will guarantee the transition
between these two stable states. This allows the exciton polariton systems to carry binary
information which is an essential property for developing an information processing
architecture using these systems. I also analysed some limitations of the system, namely the
incompatibility of having the system to be scalable and unidirectional at the same time. This
led me to consider introducing a non-Hermitian hopping parameter between the nodes which
makes perfect unidirectionality possible. This allows a system of nodes to be partially
decoupled such that each node only depends on its inputs and not on its output, greatly
simplifying the dynamic of the system. Finally, with an additional assumption that there exists
some phase alignment mechanism, I proposed how the full set of logic gates can be realizable
by using the microcavity exciton polariton system.