Summary: | Due to the large quantum fluctuation, there are many 1D quantum magnets in real life which exhibit exotic phases, such as quantum spin liquid state in the ground state of Cs4CuSb2Cl12 and PbNi2V2O8 [2] and SrNi2V2O8 [3] whose ground state is close to the phase boundary between Haldane phase (which is a fourfold-degenerate edge state) and Ising antiferromagnetic phase.
Apart from that, there are many powerful numerical methods which prove more efficient than analytical approach when studying 1D spin chain, such as Quantum Monte Carlo method, renormalization group and field theoretic method. The abundance of numerical method enables physicist to investigate quantum spin chain in more details. For instance, they can study the emergence of quantum phase due to the interplay of interactions, such as Heisenberg interaction, geometric frustration and Dzyalonshinskii-Moriya interaction.
This project aims to demonstrate different kinds of numerical method to obtain and
study the ground state of different 1D models.