Summary: | The government imposed numerous limitations during the COVID-19 epidemic to stop the virus's spread. This led to a mandatory shift to telecommuting mode for many Singapore companies. However, as restrictions on returning to the office were gradually relaxed, many companies continued to adopt flexible working arrangements. The government also actively encourages and supports companies to continue to offer flexible working arrangements to their employees. But not everyone has coped well with this unexpected shift. In order to identify efficient management techniques, this study aims to analyse the effects of telework arrangements on employers and employees, as well as the positive experiences that resulting from telecommuting throughout the epidemic. A total of 78 people were enlisted to complete a set of questionnaires. The data analysis revealed that the majority of research participants favoured flexible work schedules or working from home. Furthermore, collaboration and communication, isolation, technical aspects, and supervision issues were the concerns of most teleworkers. Additionally, the results indicate that trust is a key factor for telecommuter. The study’s results provide insight into these factors that influence telecommuting and can provide a basis for implementing effective measures for successful telecommuting.