Summary: | This project aimed to enhance the energy efficiency of hydrogen generation by improving the
performance of the Oxygen Evolution Reaction (OER). Catalysts consisting of IrPtM (Ni, Co,
Cu) were chosen to achieve this goal. The combination of Iridium and platinum noble metals
with less expensive metals improved the electrocatalyst's performance at a lower cost. Internal
vacancy enriched IrPtM nanoalloys were prepared using novel electrochemical method which is
cyclic voltammetry (CV), with approximately 20 CV cycles being the optimal number. The
catalyst with a lower onset potential is more efficient in promoting the OER. The creation of
vacancies in the Ni and Co components of IrPtNi and IrPtCo alloys resulted in a 30mV
improvement in their onset potential. The onset potential of IrPtCu remained stable after
electrochemical etching due to its high corrosion resistance and stability. The findings of EIS,
OER, SEM, XRD and TEM suggested that selecting appropriate metals and utilizing CV is a
promising approach for preparing internal vacancy enriched IrPtM nanoalloys with improved
OER activity.