Summary: | The HOMER Pro microgrid software is the global standard for optimizing microgrid design for various applications, ranging from village power and island utilities to grid-connected campuses and military bases. Fundamentally, HOMER is a simulation model. It will attempt to simulate a viable system from all possible combinations of the equipment. The software allows users to ask “What if?” questions because not all aspects of a system can be controlled, and we do not know the importance of a particular variable or option without running numerous simulations and comparing the results. This allows users to see the impact of variables that are beyond control, such as solar irradiance, ambient temperature, fuel costs, and understand how the optimal system changes with these variations.
In this project, the student will continue from the previous student’s work using HOMER PRO software to explore other microgrid setups in Singapore such as Pulau Ubin, Semakau Landfill and solar floating farms and conduct some studies on the optimal setup for different scenarios. In addition, the student can explore other HOMER Pro modules such as Hydrogen and energy storage systems. The software is located in Clean Energy Research Laboratory (CERL) S2-b7c-05. Students with a good background in power engineering and have an interest in software simulation and microgrid modelling are encouraged to apply.