Summary: | The Piston-Cylinder simulation enables users to mimic laboratory Piston-Cylinder
operations and would play an important role for undergraduates to grow their
intuition on molecular behavior related to real life situation. This research project
would focus on the simulation methods used in the construction of the molecular
simulation apparatus of the Piston-Cylinder base on the fixation of NVT (number
of molecules, volume, and temperature) and NPT (number of molecules,
pressure, and temperature). The research would look into the physic and working
mechanism behind the fixation of NPT (number of molecules, pressure, and
temperature) and the algorithm in creating a piston head which would fluctuate
via force balance by collision of molecules. The project would compare and
discuss in details the equation of motion, thermodynamic properties and
algorithm behind the NVT (Stationary Piston head) and the NPT model
(fluctuating Piston head).