Summary: | Cooling technology has been an integral part of our lives and we are dependent on them. However, the sources of energy we use for them are non-renewable and highly unsustainable. In recent decades, discovery and breakthrough has been made in radiative cooling and in this project, simulations will be run to find the best volume ratio as well as particle shapes for silicon dioxide in glass polymers. Radiative cooling happens both during the day and night time where passive cooling occurs and the metamaterial cools down below the ambient temperature. The project is about finding out the relationship between the volume ratio in the metamaterial between the silicon dioxide and polymer and how it gives us different absorption and emissivity. High absorption rate in mid infrared and low absorption in the visible wavelength would be crucial to attaining daytime cooling even under harsh conditions and under direct sunlight. Lumerical FDTD software is used for the simulations and different combinations of particle shapes and volume ratio in glass polymers will be attained and then using MATLAB, the data points will be inserted into a plot and using a formula, an absorption chart will be plotted which we can attain the peak absorption and calculate the bandwidth.