Summary: | Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) are increasing popular over the last decade. With
the use of the latest state-of-the-art sensors, an extremely capable AUV can be developed to
help with tasks such as underwater survey and mapping missions. However, the cost of those
sensors makes it an infeasible solution to be used in a low-cost AUV system. Our project aims
to develop an AUV capable of Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) by using
low-cost sensors such as single-beam sonars and inertial measurement units. This paper aims
to characterise a low-cost ping sonar developed by BlueRobotics by investigating various
factors that may affect the sonar readings. The factors include materials of the target, the angle
of the target, and the speed of the moving sonar. Additionally, a simulation of the sonar will be
developed in Unity game engine to provide us with the ability to conduct virtual experiments
for data collection. This project serves as a primary guideline for the usage of the ping sonar
by BlueRobotics for the future development of a multi-robot AUV system.