Summary: | Due to its applications in electronics, commercial lighting, medical applications, and ion
propulsion, Xenon (Xe) is expected to emerge as a high demand noble gas over the next few
years. There are two different states in which Xenon noble gas can exist and be extracted:
radioactive and non-radioactive. When the used nuclear fuel is reprocessed, radioactive Xenon
gases are released as one of the volatile radionuclides. As opposed to this, non-radioactive
Xenon gases are found in extremely low concentrations in the earth's atmosphere. Conventional
methods of extracting Xenon gas from these states involve cryogenic distillation, which is
energy-intensive and expensive. Therefore to extract Xenon gas effectively, alternative
methods using adsorptive separation through Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) are
investigated and studied. The report mainly deals with the understanding of xenon storage in
porous adsorbents employing adsorption and its thermodynamic property fields.
The derivations of entropy and enthalpy along with the other properties such as specific heat
capacity, adsorbed phase volume and isosteric heat of adsorption help facilitate a better
understanding of the adsorption process of the Xenon-MOF system beyond the usual scope of
adsorption isotherms, kinetics, and pore size distribution. Based on the modified Langmuir
Equation (LE) proposed by Sun and Chakraborty, parameters such as isosteric heat of
adsorption at zero coverage and pre-exponential coefficient which were essential for tabulating
the derived properties, were then extracted from the experimentally measured isotherms data.
The project provides a theoretical insight to understand the thermal energy storage in a confined
space including the entropy flow and generation, which are required to design the proposed Xe
storage system. The thermodynamic property surfaces are presented graphically with respect
to the changes in pressures, temperatures, and uptakes. In addition, the temperature-entropy
maps show a closed loop indicating continuous thermal storage during charging and
discharging of Xe gas.