Summary: | 新加坡的七位华人文人– 李星可、连士升、杏影、李汝琳、姚紫、苗秀与赵戎,是华文作家,也是离散族裔,他们的文字展示了他们对时局的观点、对故国新家的思索、从侨民到公民的过程。本研究以中国心、本土情、新华人三个课题为轴心,讲论1945至1980年间,这七位华文作家曾经居住的地方,尤其是中国和新加坡对他们的影响与他们的回应,以及他们如何以文字留住过去,见证当下,指向未来。他们以文字记录了移民和本土出生的华人如何调适自己进入当地多元的、以英语语境为主的国家社会,在缅怀故乡与探索新国之间,或挣扎、或双重认同,最终落地生根的过程。这过程的书写代表了新加坡离散华文文学,开辟了世界离散文学的一个新篇章。The seven Singapore diasporic Chinese writers of the Chinese Language – Li Xingke, Lian Shisheng, Xing Ying, Li Rulin, Yao Zi, Miao Xiu and Zhao Rong had presented their perspectives on their situations at the time, their views on their ancestral physical or imagined homeland and their thoughts on how they had appreciated Singapore as their new home. This study focuses on three core themes – their love for China, love for Singapore and their identity as Singapore Chinese diasporas, and discusses the impact of China and Singapore and the places they had resided in on them in the years between 1945 and 1980, including how they had communicated their past, present and hope for the future through their written works. Whether they were immigrants or native-born, their writings bore witness to how they had strived to integrate into a multi-racial, multi-cultural society with English as the dominant language, their struggle between their attachment to their ancestral home and their commitment to their new-found home, and their final choice to become Singaporeans. Collectively, their writings had not only contributed to the field of diasporic Singapore Chinese literary works, but had also opened up a new chapter in the world of diasporic Chinese literature.