Summary: | Metal additive manufacturing (AM) enables unparalleled design freedom for the development of optimized devices in a plethora of applications. The requirement for the use of nonconventional aluminum alloys such as AlSi10Mg has made the rational micro/nanostructuring of metal AM challenging. Here, the techniques are developed and the fundamental mechanisms governing the micro/nanostructuring of AlSi10Mg, the most common metal AM material, are investigated. A surface structuring technique is rationally devised to form previously unexplored two-tier nanoscale architectures that enable remarkably low adhesion, excellent resilience to condensation flooding, and enhanced liquid-vapor phase transition. Using condensation as a demonstration framework, it is shown that the two-tier nanostructures achieve 6× higher heat transfer coefficient when compared to the best filmwise condensation. The study demonstrates that AM-enabled nanostructuring is optimal for confining droplets while reducing adhesion to facilitate droplet detachment. Extensive benchmarking with past reported data shows that the demonstrated heat transfer enhancement has not been achieved previously under high supersaturation conditions using conventional aluminum, further motivating the need for AM nanostructures. Finally, it has been demonstrated that the synergistic combination of wide AM design freedom and optimal AM nanostructuring method can provide an ultracompact condenser having excellent thermal performance and power density.