Summary: | In this study, medium-chain fatty acid (MCFA) generation from mixed sludge (including primary sludge and waste activated sludge) was investigated without additional electron donors (EDs). 0.5 g COD/L of MCFAs was produced and the in situ generated ethanol could serve as the EDs during the anaerobic fermentation of mixed sludge without thermal hydrolysis process (THP) pretreatment. THP increased the MCFA production by approximately 128% in the anaerobic fermentation. During 102 days of operation, the fermentation of THP pre-treated mixed sludge stably generated 2.9 g COD/L MCFAs. The self-generated EDs could not maximize MCFA production, and external addition of ethanol improved MCFA yield. Caproiciproducens was the dominant chain-elongating bacteria. PICRUST2 revealed that both fatty acid biosynthesis and reverse β-oxidation pathways could participate in MCFA synthesis, and ethanol addition could enhance the contribution of the reverse β-oxidation pathway. Future studies should focus on the improvement of MCFA production from THP-assisted sludge fermentation.