Summary: | 本研究是一项聚焦于医疗口译错误的实证研究。旨在与探讨三组受试者在医疗口译中出现的错误类型和原因、三组间错误数量的差别、错误数量与受试者口译受训时长和口译实践场次的相关性,并提出提高医疗口译质量的建议。
This empirical study focuses on errors of interpreters in healthcare interpretation. This study aims to explore the types and causes of the errors in healthcare interpretation, the statistical difference in types of errors among three groups of participants, the correlation between errors and participants’ training and practice, and to propose guidelines towards improving the quality of healthcare interpretation.
Three groups, totaling 56 interpreter-participants, were recruited for this study: 20 beginning students, 20 advanced students, and 16 professional interpreters. Each participant was asked to consecutively interpret four recorded conversation segments between a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner and an English-speaking patient, followed by a simulated retrospective interview, an open interview and a questionnaire. A combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis was later adopted for data analysis to accomplish the above-mentioned study objectives.
The analysis revealed 24 types of errors that can be classified into three categories: information errors, disfluencies and linguistic errors. These errors were mainly caused by participants’ lack of competence in performing interpretations, cognitive overload, inappropriate allocation of available attentional resources, adoption of certain strategies, or interference from the source language (i.e., Chinese). There were error categories where the differences between the three groups were statistically insignificant, and most error types were negatively correlated with their training and practice. Based on the above findings, suggestions were provided on how to better train healthcare interpreters.
This dissertation therefore expands the typology of healthcare interpretation errors and broadens the potential scope of future research on factors that contribute to errors and reasons that lead to errors in healthcare interpretation. The findings of this study also shed light on the limitations in existing training programs and the need for specialized training in healthcare interpreting, thereby contributing to the research, practice and teaching of healthcare interpreting.