Summary: | Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones, have gained considerable
interest among academics in recent years, which significantly increases the
demand for autonomous navigation systems for UAVs. In this study, autonomous
navigation is addressed as a two-stage problem. The first stage is the obstacle
detection phase, during which the UAVs leverage their onboard sensors to perceive
the surroundings and detect obstacles. The second stage is the obstacle avoidance
phase, where the UAVs make decisions to continue operations without colliding
with anything while approaching the target.
This study proposes a self-supervised learning-based depth prediction framework
as the criterion for obstacle proximity detection. The framework consists of two
subnetworks: the depth and pose estimation modules. The former predicts depth
values, while the latter evaluates the object’s translation and rotation matrix. The
framework leverages the subnetworks’ outputs to reconstruct the projection relationships
of pixels between adjacent frames to optimize the training process. To
address the challenge of UAVs operating in large-scale environments, a modified
loss function that combines photometric loss and edge-aware smoothness is presented
to increase the depth prediction module’s accuracy.
This study also presents a deep reinforcement learning-based obstacle avoidance
system that takes depth maps as inputs to generate evasive maneuvers. The system
works independently from priori maps and models while it learns the collision-free
trajectory from interacting with the environment. This study deploys value-based
algorithms to learn the nonlinear mapping between the continuous inputs and
discrete output motion commands. Furthermore, the proposed system is validated
on different simulation scenarios. It is capable of completing the obstacle avoidance
task with relatively optimal trajectories in varied environments, demonstrating its
superior effectiveness and transferability.
Keywords: unmanned aerial vehicles, urban airspace, obstacle detection and
avoidance, self-supervised learning, deep reinforcement learning.