Summary: | A testing and numerical modelling programme has been conducted to investigate the flexural buckling behaviour and resistance of press-braked S690 high strength steel angle section long columns. The testing programme adopted two press-braked S690 high strength steel equal-leg angle sections and included initial geometric imperfection measurements as well as twelve pin-ended column tests. The testing programme was accompanied by a numerical modelling programme, including a validation study, where finite element models were developed and validated against the test results, and a parametric study, where the validated finite element models were used to generate further numerical data over a wide range of cross-section dimensions and member effective lengths. The obtained test and numerical data were used to evaluate the existing design rules for press-braked S690 high strength steel angle section long columns, as specified in the North American specification, Australian/New Zealand standard and European code. The evaluation results revealed that the North American specification and Australian/New Zealand standard result in a high level of design accuracy and consistency, while the Eurocode leads to excessively conservative and scattered failure load predictions. Finally, a new design approach was proposed and shown to offer more accurate and consistent failure load predictions, with less calculation works, than the design codes.