Summary: | 新加坡独立以来,由于根本性因素导致构建国家认同之路十分艰辛。不少学者都对新加坡构建国家认同表达了不看好的观点,但也同时对新加坡应对方针以及至今的努力表达了好奇以及探讨之心。小贩中心作为被大多数人叙述为新加坡共同文化之一以及国家认同的来源的象征,成为了本文主要的研究对象。本文将主要以“国家认同”的角度并结合“记忆场域”的理论来解读政府如何运用小贩中心空间规划政策来塑造新加坡国民群体以及国民群体的“集体记忆”,从而构建“国家认同”。其次,本文也将通过小贩中心作为共同文化以及国家符号过盛的象征,来再现新加坡国族认同的薄弱状态。最后,本文将反思小贩中心未来的前景作为本篇论文的结论。Since Singapore’s independence, the road to building National Identity has been very difficult due to fundamental factors. Many scholars have expressed their unfavourable views on Singapore’s effort to build National Identity but at the same time they have expressed curiosity and desire to explore Singapore’s policies and efforts so far. As a symbol described by most people as one of the common culture of Singapore, Hawker Centre is the main research object of this article. This article will mainly use the perspective of “National Identity” and combine it with the theory of “Sites of Memory” to interpret how the government uses spatial planning policies to shape the identity group of Singaporean and their “Collective Memory” regarding Hawker Centre. Secondly, this article will also reproduce the weak state of Singapore’s National Identity through the use of Hawker Centre’s symbolic meanings. Lastly, this paper will reflect on the future prospects of Hawker Centre as a conclusion for the paper.