Summary: | 海外华人是一个复杂的群体,其华人性和身份认同一直是个复杂且备受关注的议题。这些海外华人因生活环境跨越地理界限,经历了不同文化的融合和冲突,导致了华人性和身份认同的不断演变和复杂化。在当今日益多元化的世界中,国家和国家的边界逐渐模糊,因此个体对身份的认知变得更加复杂,海外华人对自己的身份认同也变得更加深思熟虑,面临着诸如“我是谁?”和“我来自何处?”等华人性迷思。新加坡作为一个典型的多元种族多元文化的国家,其华人性具有特殊的意义。自建国以来,政府通过改造“华人性”,将“华人文化身份”统一到“国民身份”中,以创造一个统一的国家认同。然而,正如Eugene Tan观察到的,政府对华人性的管控经历了三个明显的阶段性变化,使得新加坡华人的身份认同不仅复杂多样,而且与时俱进。这样的背景塑造了一个多样化的新加坡华人群体,并孕育出独特的新加坡华族文化。那么,新加坡华人这一身份究竟意味着什么?这些问题对每个人而言都是值得深思的。在这样的背景下,新加坡华族中心于2020年举办的《SINGAPO人》常设展成为了探讨新加坡华人身份认同的重要平台。本文旨在通过分析华人展览对华人性的阐释方式,探讨政府对新加坡华人身份建构的特征,并重新审视新加坡华人的身份认同。
Overseas Chinese constitute a complex community whose Chinese identity and sense of belonging have always been a complex and closely examined subject. These overseas Chinese traverse geographical boundaries in their living environments and experience the amalgamation and conflicts of diverse cultures, resulting in the constant evolution and intricacy of their Chinese identity and sense of belonging. In today's increasingly diverse world, the concepts of nation and its boundaries are gradually blurring, making personal identity more intricate. Overseas Chinese find themselves pondering questions such as "Who am I?" and "Where do I come from?"—reflecting on the enigmatic nature of their Chinese identity.
Singapore, as a typical multi-ethnic and multicultural nation, holds a unique significance in terms of Chinese identity. Since its inception as an independent nation, the government has been reconstructing the "Chinese identity," incorporating "Chinese cultural identity" into the framework of "national identity" to create a unified sense of national belonging. However, as observed by Eugene Tan, the government's control over Chinese identity has gone through two distinct phases, making the identity of Singaporean Chinese not only intricate but also adaptive to changing times. This background has shaped a diverse community of Singaporean Chinese, fostering the development of a unique Singaporean Chinese culture. Thus, what does the identity of Singaporean Chinese truly signify? These questions are worth pondering for every individual.
In this context, the Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre's permanent exhibition, "SINGAPO人," which was established in 2020, serves as a significant platform for exploring the identity of Singaporean Chinese. This paper aims to analyze how the exhibition interprets Chinese identity and discuss the distinctive features of the government's construction of Singaporean Chinese identity. Furthermore, it delves into how the exhibition encourages Singaporean Chinese to reevaluate their own sense of identity and culture.