Summary: | 新加坡在太平洋战争中经受了三年六个月的黑暗时代,构成了历史创伤和国族记忆,也是战后至今的文化实践和文学艺术的一部分表现内容。亲历新加坡战事的本地作家在作品中,如实地描述了战时新加坡遭受轰炸,人们经历检证的惨烈场景,以此记录人民苦难,抨击入侵者的罪行。未经历战争的作家则以文字作为历史记忆的载体,回溯战争事实,反思当下所见的扭曲与遗忘。本论文综合考量时期、题材等多种因素,择选《灵戏》、《忌日》、《秀子姑娘》、《窝浪拉里》、《在血泊中微笑》、《云翳》、《红雾》、《火浪》、《芭洋上》、《退刀记》、《异质伤口》、《横田少佐》、《认真面具》、《布拉岗马地》及《我的来世不是梦》十五个文本为主要研究对象,结合历史背景与理论框架,从女性主义、民族认同、历史记忆三个方面,剖析不同作品的战争叙事,以冀在历史、文本和理论间展开对话,勘察新华文学中的战争记忆对于战争、和平、性别、认同、记忆等课题的省思,钩沉更为深层的意义与价值。
Singapore endured a dark age of three years and six months during the Pacific War, which constituted the historical trauma and national memory, as well as a part of the cultural and literary practice, from the post-war to the present. Local writers who lived through the war in Singapore described the horrific scenes of the bombing and the Sook Ching in their works to record the suffering of the people and denounce the crimes of the invaders. Writers who did not experience the war use the text as the carrier of historical memory, recalling the facts of the war and reflecting on the distortion and forgetting that they observe nowadays. With considerations of various factors such as period of creation and subject matter, the following 15 works are selected as the main research objects of this paper: "Ling Xi", "Ji Ri", "Xiu Zi Gu Niang", "Wo Lang La Li", "Zai Xue Po Zhong Wei Xiao", "Yun Yi", "Hong Wu", "Huo Lang", "Ba Yang Shang", "Tui Dao Ji", "Yi Zhi Shang Kou", "Heng Tian Shao Zuo", "Ren Zhen Mian Ju", "Bu La Gang Ma Di" and "Wo de Lai Shi Bu Shi Meng". Combined with the historical background and theoretical framework, this paper analyzes the war narratives of different works from the three aspects of feminism, national identity and historical memory, in order to establish a dialogue within history, text and theory. This paper also aims to investigate the reflection of war memories in Singapore Chinese Literature in aspects of war, peace, gender, identity, memory as well as other topics, to explore the significance and value.