Summary: | This Final Year Project (FYP) comprises two primary components. The main component
involves the continued development and enhancement of the new Final Year Project
Application (FYP-APP) while finalizing the development and patching of the Master's
Professional Internship Application (MPI-APP) system, which was introduced by the
preceding cohort of senior students. The subcomponent entails the maintenance,
improvement, and patching of the pre-existing systems, with a focus on the Student Selection
System (SSS) and the FYP Examiner Allocation System (FEAS) introduced by previous
senior students.
In detail, our work on the main component involved the refinement of the FYP-APP and
MPI-APP, with the objective of streamlining the allocation process for Final Year Projects
(FYP) and simplifying the management of internships for master's students enrolled at
Nanyang Technological University (NTU).
For the subcomponent, we concentrated on maintaining the live server and patching bugs. the
Student Selection System (SSS) and the FYP Examiner Allocation System (FEAS), both of
which are established systems used for digitizing the allocation process of FYP students and
Throughout the project, we made substantial progress in the development of the FYP-APP &
MPI-APP, overcoming challenges within a constrained timeline. Simultaneously, we
dedicated efforts to maintain and patch the existing systems. As we move forward, the
finalization of the FYP-APP is currently in progress, and we have successfully handed over
the project to the new batch of FYP students who will be continuing this project.