Summary: | Purpose – This study aims to assess the seriousness of maritime students' intentions to pursue a
career in the maritime industry and identify the factors that influence their career choices.
Design/Methodology/Approach – Utilising the Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT), we
conducted a comprehensive examination of maritime students' career choices. Data was collected
through an online survey, and the analysis of the responses provided valuable insights into the
key factors affecting students' commitment to maritime careers.
Findings – The findings of this study reveal that Interest plays a pivotal role in the Intention to
Pursue a maritime career. Additionally, Self-Efficacy, Outcome Expectations, and Interpersonal
Support significantly impact students' career choices in the maritime industry. Recommendations
have been made to enhance maritime education and empower students to explore and commit to
maritime careers.
Originality/Value – This study contributes to a limited body of empirical research applying
SCCT to maritime students. It provides valuable insights for educational institutions, maritime
foundations, and industry stakeholders to improve maritime academic programs and career
encouragement strategies. Additionally, it identifies areas for future research on Outcome
Expectations and external validation in maritime career choices.
Maritime Education, Career Choices, Career Goals, Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT),
Maritime Students, Self-Efficacy, Outcome Expectations, Interest, Intention to Pursue,
Interpersonal Support, Career Counselling.