Summary: | Flow-Centric Operations (FCO) is a novel air traffic control concept for the management of
en-route airspace in which controller assignment is determined by grouping factors such as
similarity in trajectory rather than by the physical position of the flight (by area sectors). FCO
therefore anticipates that two aircraft, which are controlled by two respective air traffic
control officers (ATCOs), may coexist in the same volume of airspace. FCO’s requirements
or enablers in terms of technical preparedness are not established. FOC might provide
elasticity in capacity by creating more flows by splitting the incoming flows, as many as
needed. It might be able to split the incoming traffic to achieve greater capacity, compared to
the capacity level attained by splitting area sectors. In addition, it might offer the Capacityon-Demand capability; in a low traffic hour or day, an area control centre shall roster fewer
ATCOs, and in a high traffic hour or day, more ATCOs. Through the conduct of Human-inthe-Loop simulation involving a total of 6 ATCOs from Civil Aviation Authority of
Singapore, across a 11-day period, qualitative feedback was solicited from the ATCOs.
Tokenised comments are categorised into 3 sets: safety concerns, concept design parameters,
and Human-Machine Interface. Key takeaways include: the need to understand further into
the difficulty level of different crossing and merging and not simply have a uniform
perceived difficulty or weight for such scenarios, the importance of considering the
difficulty/complexity factor rather than the volume of traffic when dealing with assignment
strategy and the importance of considering human-machine interfaces dealing with zoom
level or secondary windows. Based on this simulation study, we discuss possibilities for
future and follow up studies. The most important appears to be creating ideal air traffic flow
for ATCOs, which minimises air traffic inferences at air traffic hot-spot areas, in order to
realise FCO under increasing air traffic demands. For this purpose, key ideas of our future
works are managing time-varying air traffic at the hot-spots based on queue-based
approaches, development of geometric algorithms for ergonomic spatially and temporally
dynamic area of responsibility for ATCOs, and studies on FCO-specific human factors and
ATCO-to-ATCO coordination mechanisms.