Summary: | In electrical installations on the main switchboards, protection relays like Overcurrent
Relays, Earth Fault Relays, etc. are installed after a Circuit Breaker (CB), designed to
trip the respective CB when a fault is detected to protect the end-user / equipment.
Shutdown maintenances are carried out periodically on most electrical installation to test
the functionality of components within the electrical installations. As part of the
shutdown maintenance work, Secondary Injection (SI) tests are carried out on the
protection relays to ensure that the relays are still functioning. Protection relays to be
tested can be as much as a hundred relays, all to be tested within a tight time frame.
Protection relays found/tested faulty will be highlighted and seek approval from client
for immediate replacement. Getting the approval from client will often take time, hence
time taken to finish testing all relays is essential. This is to ensure that faulty relays can
be replaced within scheduled shutdown timings to avoid delays in restoration of power
supply to the estate.
The test set that are usually used for the protection relay testing is costly and bulky as it
can also carry out other different tests such as Primary Injection test, SI testing of three
phase relays which are used in the higher voltage installation. Weighing at more than 20
kilograms (kg), a lot of time and effort is spent moving the bulky and heavy test set
Regardless of the estate intake capacity, most of them will have a Low Tension (LT)
switchboard, up to 400 Volts(V) three-phase line to line, before distribution of power to
consumers. Hence, it is very common and mostly only single-phase protection relays to
be tested. The other various tests that the bulky test set offers are not required. Hence, the
aim of this project is to build a smaller and cheaper SI test set.