Summary: | A 22-year-old woman presented with a worsening nonpruritic rash on the anterior aspect of her chest and
underarms for the past 6 months. The rash was associated with dryness, desquamation, and a burning sensation.
She had no preceding new contactants or medications. In addition, she had discontinued all contactants upon
the onset of her rash; however, her condition continued to progress despite the cessation of contactants for more
than a month. Her rashes also persisted despite continual use of topical corticosteroids and topical tacrolimus.
She reported going on a crash diet one year ago for weight loss and lost a total of 6 kg in the first 3 months.
Currently, she only consumes 500 to 800 calories a day and currently weighs 38 kg with a body mass index of
16.78 kg/m2
. She denies any bulimic symptoms, recent stressors, or mood problems. Her medical history is
significant for asthma, allergic rhinitis, and a previous anxiety disorder.