Summary: | This thesis charts the development of the ethnic identity of the Kadazan-Dusun community,
indigenous to Sabah, East Malaysia, from the years 1967 to 1976. This period was one in which Sabah was under the tenure of Chief Minister Mustapha Harun, who led the United Sabah Nationalist Organisation and the coalition it was part of, the Sabah Alliance. Under this
government, Kadazan-Dusuns in Sabah were subject to state-backed attempted assimilation to a larger Malay-Muslim identity. These processes of attempted assimilation included the
imposition of the Malay language and Islam in Sabah, parallel to the suppression of Kadazan
Dusun languages and Christianity. I argue that, in response to this attempted assimilation,
Christianity became a key part of a developing Kadazan-Dusun consciousness instead. This
thesis analyses political documents, mass media materials, biographies, and personal writings to understand how a Kadazan-Dusun Christian consciousness was cultivated during this period, with particular attention paid to the sensorial elements of this process.