Summary: | 本论文以新加坡作家魏俐瑞(Gwee Li Sui)的新加坡式英语(Singlish)译作Winnie-da-Pooh为主要分析文本,通过翻译、扮演、文本后世生命和再创作等概念与原文Winnie-the-Pooh进行探析。魏俐瑞将这部家喻户晓的儿童经典作品翻译成新加坡式英语的过程是一个独特且新鲜的案例研究,探讨了翻译中的扮演行为,即译者将原著人物的声音和文化改编成译入语语言和文化背景的过程中,如何体现原著人物的声音和文化的细微差别。为了更深入了解译者魏俐瑞的翻译过程与思想,笔者与他进行了访谈。访谈中,他分享了许多有关新加坡式英语翻译的方法与技巧,以及翻译期间所面临的挑战和感想。因此,本文将结合一手资料的访谈内容对魏俐瑞新加坡式英语译本Winnie-da-Pooh进行分析,以文学翻译理论中“扮演”的角度揭示译本如何保留原文精髓,还为其注入新的生命,创造充满活力并具有新加坡语言文化特征的真实性。最后,从译本为原文后世生命的论点证明,译文中再现了新加坡独特的文化语境,以及延伸探讨新译对于存护和推广新加坡式英语的作用。
This study investigates Gwee Li Sui's Singlish translation Winnie-da-Pooh of the all-time favourite children’s classic Winnie-the-Pooh by A.A Milne, through examining the intricate relationship between translation, impersonation, afterlife of texts and creation. Gwee's adaptation of the beloved children's classic into Singlish serves as a rich case study to explore how translation involves acts of impersonation, where the translator embodies the voices and cultural nuances of the original characters while adapting them into a new linguistic and cultural context. To get a deeper understanding of Gwee's translation process, an interview was done where he shared his views on doing Singlish translation along with challenges and solutions. With the interview as primary source of research material combined with literary translation theories of “impersonation” and “creation”, this research aims to illuminate how Gwee’s Singlish rendition of Winnie-da-Pooh not only preserves the essence of the original text but also breathes new life into it, by infusing it with the vibrancy and authenticity of Singaporean linguistic and cultural identity. Furthermore, by examining the afterlife of Gwee's translation, this study also seeks to elucidate how translated texts continue to evolve and inspire new forms of creativity and expression, representing Singapore’s cultural context through Singlish language. Moreover, through Gwee’s translations, topics on persevering Singlish and tackling its discourse could be further discussed.