Summary: | 摘要: 相较于传承历史悠久的中华文化,新加坡传播中华文化的时期相对短暂。新加坡华人占78% 的总人口,因此华语在新加坡社会中扮演着重要的角色。随着政府在1965年推出“双语政策”(Bilingualism),英语成为了新加坡的第一语言和行政语言,而华语设定为国家第二语。华语虽然被列国家第二语言,但新加坡政府在90年代开始意识到华语的重要性,开始重视华文教育,并积极推出相关的政策。政府开始鼓励人民学习华语,也开始推广华族文化。政府虽然积极鼓励人们学习华语和推广传统文化,但所推出的政策导致社会对“华语”和中文系形成固定的形象。学生如果选择了修读中文系的课程,就会被贴上“保护传统文化”、“守旧”以及“老土”的标签。本文将采用斯图亚特·霍尔(Stuart Hall)的再现(Representation)理论分析和研究新加坡中文系所再现的形象。本文也将研究这些形象所形成的原因。
Abstract: Singapore is a relatively young country in promoting the rich heritage of ancient Chinese culture. The Chinese population makes up 78% of Singapore’s total population, therefore the Chinese Language plays an important role in the development of the country and society. Chinese became the second language of Singapore after the Singapore government implemented the Bilingualism policy in 1965, where English was designated as the first and official working language of the country. However, the government made changes to the Chinese education policies over the years, which led to a shift in how society perceived the “Chinese Language” and “Chinese Studies”. Despite learning Chinese was not encouraged during the early years of nation-building, the Singapore government realised the importance of Chinese during the 90s, announcing new changes to the Chinese education policies by encouraging citizens to speak and learn more Chinese. However, through emphasising the importance of Chinese, society started to view Chinese language and Chinese studies as a medium to preserve Chinese culture. Learning Chinese could also be viewed as being old-fashioned and traditional, therefore such policies would further re-enforce the stereotypes of Chinese students and Chinese Studies. This paper aims to study the stereotypes of Chinese Studies through the lenses of Stuart Hall’s Representation theory and how government policies affect the stereotypes towards Chinese Studies.