Summary: | 说唱音乐作为源自美国黑人社区的独特音乐形式,以其押韵的歌词和强烈的节奏感而著称。其歌词通常反映个人经历、社会现实、身份认同和社会批判。
Rap music, originating from the African American community in the United States, is known for its rhymed lyrics and strong rhythmic beats, reflecting personal experiences, societal realities, identity issues, and social critiques.
With the rise of Chinese rap variety shows and the growing popularity of rap music, especially on mainstream Chinese platforms, more Chinese audiences are paying attention to underground and American rap productions. However, the slang and cultural metaphors found in American rap lyrics pose a challenge to understanding among Chinese audiences, making subtitle translation crucial.
Subtitle translation plays a vital role in cultural transmission and facilitating exchange. Despite rap music's popularity, there is limited scholarly discussion on translation theory in the rap domain. This study examines two English-to-Chinese subtitle translation versions of the American rap movie "8 Mile," focusing on rhetorical devices, cultural idioms, and slang translation, while also exploring methods suitable for translating underground rap. The findings suggest that selected subtitle translation teams have a limited understanding of underground rap culture, leading to challenges in translation accuracy and fidelity. The study recommends flexible translation methods, such as creative translation or domestication strategies, to better convey the original intent. By providing practical guidance and advocating for further research, this study aims to improve translation quality and promote cross-cultural understanding.
Keywords: Underground Rap music; Rap translation; Cultural understanding