Summary: | This thesis investigates the verification of the Independent Watchdog (IWDG) module in
Microcontroller Units (MCUs) using Universal Verification Methodology (UVM), an
advanced approach enhancing system reliability and integrity. It emphasizes the critical
role of the IWDG in preventing system failures and explores the integration and
verification of this module with the APB bus. Through a detailed literature review and
technical background, the thesis sets a comprehensive context for the methodologies and
technologies involved.
The study primarily focuses on the design, implementation, and verification of the IWDG
module using UVM. It outlines the architectural decisions, intricacies of the IWDG
design, and the application of UVM, showcasing its effectiveness in flaw detection and
design validation. A structured verification plan, alongside specific test cases, is
meticulously crafted to validate the IWDG module's functionality comprehensively. This
section not only highlights the strategic approach taken but also the expected outcomes
and coverage metrics aimed for in the verification process.
The study thoroughly details the key functions and working mechanisms of IWDG,
highlighting UVM's significant advantages in enhancing verification efficiency and
effectiveness. The verification results showed that the IWDG module excelled in
functional correctness, performance standards, and stability requirements across a variety
of test scenarios, ensuring a high degree of system stability and reliability. The testing
approach covered extensive multifunction points, demonstrating the depth and
comprehensiveness of the verification work. Overall, the test suite achieved complete
coverage across all critical metrics for the IWDG functionality, validating its performance
in expected operating scenarios and supporting the reliability of IWDG in real-world