Summary: | The purpose of this report is to summarize and evaluate on what had been done, experienced and learned throughout this professional attachment with SHELL SINGAPORE. The report seeks to cover two main aspects, namely the Projects accomplished and Highlights on Personal Growth and Development.
Two Projects, a major and a minor, was completed. The major involves "An Analysis of SHELL's Customer portfolio in the Aviation Market" while the Minor report is "A study into the Maintenance Costs of SHELL Retail Outlets" to determine what exactly are the costs drivers. The first half of this report essentially summarized the purpose, scope, methodology, relevant background information, the main findings and recommendations made for each project.
The rest of the report will highlist some of the significant and meaningful lessons regarding the working life, the practical principles and skills, social skills and computer skills that were learned. It also serves to provide feedback as to how this attachment had benefited and equipped me to meet the challenges of working life after graduation.