Summary: | This project focused on delivering an AI-powered exchange platform where investors
can make investments, manage their assets and view their portfolio details. This
application serves as an aggregator for the user’s accounts across various trading
platforms and allows them to manage all their assets using a single interface with their
platform data centralised.
Our application has adopted a microservice architecture, consisting of our Portfolio
Management System (PMS), Order Management System (OMS), Execution
Management System (EMS).
Key technologies used are Typescript & React for the frontend, and Kotlin, SpringBoot
and MongoDB as our backend. ZeroMQ was used as a message queue to
communicate between our microservices. Additionally, our project was integrated with
Docker to allow for containerisation. Project management tools such as Trello, Plane
and Github were also extensively utilised to track and document our progress.
Since this project was developed concurrently with 5 other FYP students and 4 Masters
students, and is a continuation from a previous batch of FYP and masters students, this
report will review the existing state of the application we inherited and showcase the
improvements or new features that were introduced. Furthermore, this report will
highlight the author’s specific contributions and development work to the overall project.