Summary: | This document describes the development of a trading system for an alternative investment fund company, utilizing MongoDB, SpringBoot, and React. The backend is crafted with Kotlin, complemented by TypeScript on the frontend. This final year group project distributed distinct development responsibilities among team members, with the author contributing to specific functionalities detailed herein and planned for completion in later stages.
The report starts with an introduction outlining the project's motivation and overview, the progresses to delineate the project scope, inclusive of deliverables, schedule, limitations, and acceptance criteria. A succinct overview of the tools employed for project management, collaboration, and code development is provided.
Following this, the report delves into the requirement analysis, presenting an Architecture Diagram, Use Case Diagram, Activity Diagram, and Functional Requirements. Subsequently, the author's contributions to the project are highlighted, emphasizing the significance of this undertaking as a final year project. The document concludes by encapsulating the author's reflections on the project and outlining forthcoming contributions in the context of this culminating academic endeavour.