Summary: | 唐传奇是唐代的独特文学产物,其出现在中国古代文言小说史上具有划时代的意义。姓名是称谓的一种,而称谓文化是中华文化的众妍之一,唐人作者则尤其善于或乐于在作品中出现的人物的姓名上作文章。笔者以为,唐传奇中的姓名创作是唐传奇有别于其前之志怪,其后之话本杂剧小说的独特处之一,富有极强时代性,这一创作现象的出现同时受到唐代社会风气和唐代文人心态两方面的影响,并可以通过唐传奇作品中的姓名创作一窥唐人心中唐传奇的功用与价值。
Tang Dynasty Tales stands as a distinctive literary phenomenon of the Tang Dynasty, marking an epoch-making significance within the annals of ancient Chinese classical novels. Names, as a category of appellations, embody a facet of traditional Chinese culture known as appellation culture. Tang authors, in particular, exhibited a notable proficiency and inclination towards creative nomenclature for characters in their literary works. The author posits that the unique feature of name creation in Tang Dynasty Tales distinguishes it from its predecessors, such as Zhi Guai, and successors like Hua Ben Za Ju, underscoring its contemporaneity. This creative trend is intricately woven into the societal mindset and cultural milieu of the Tang Dynasty, reflecting the prevailing social thought and the intellectual disposition of the literati of that era.
The zenith of Tang Dynasty Tales's creative output occurred during the middle to late Tang Dynasty, attaining a literary and aesthetic pinnacle of exceptional quality. Consequently, this paper endeavors to delve into Tang Dynasty Tales, specifically focusing on the maturation of character names in its works during the latter period of the Tang Dynasty. The research draws extensively from the entries compiled in Tang Wu Dai Chuanqi Ji by Li Jianguo, a distinguished scholar of Tang Dynasty Tales. Through this comprehensive exploration, the author aims to unravel the intricate connections between the names in Tang Dynasty Tales, the societal realities of the Tang Dynasty, and the creative psyche of the literati.
Existing scholarly examinations of the value of Tang Dynasty Tales predominantly hinge on theories like Xingjuan theory, literary aesthetic theory, and new literary style theory. Building upon this foundation, the author expounds upon the multifaceted functions of Tang Dynasty Tales. By scrutinizing and analyzing specific texts and intertwining literary works with historical and biographical records from the perspective of the Tang people, the paper elucidates the instrumental and purposeful qualities that characterize Tang Dynasty Tales.