Resumo: | This paper presents experimental and numerical investigations into the web crippling behaviour and load-carrying capacity of stainless steel built-up I-section members under End-Two-Flange (ETF) concentrated transverse loading. An experimental programme was conducted on 23 austenitic and duplex stainless steel built-up I-section specimens, with each consisting of two identical press-braked channel sections assembled back-to-back by means of self-tapping screws. Following the experimental programme, a numerical modelling programme was performed, where finite element models were firstly developed to replicate the tests and then used to conduct parametric studies. Based on the test and numerical data, the existing design rules for stainless steel built-up I-section members failing by web crippling, as set out in the current European, American and Australian/New Zealand design standards, were assessed. The comparisons indicated that the European and Australian/New Zealand design standards resulted in overly conservative and rather scattered failure load predictions, while the American design standard led to less scattered failure load predictions, but with many predictions on the unsafe side. Therefore, an improved design approach was proposed and shown to provide substantially improved failure load predictions for stainless steel built-up I-section members under End-Two-Flange loading.