Summary: | In the 21st century, the video game industry has solidified itself as another mainstream
entertainment. Among many narrative-driven games, the go-to way of conveying the story is
with the use of dialogue like watching a piece of film. However, conveying narrative is never
limited to just dialogues.
This project aims to develop a side-scrolling puzzle-based platformer video game in a 3-
dimensional setting while constricting the movement to 2 dimensions (2.5D). The goal is to
provide the player with an immersive gameplay experience while conveying a story without
the use of dialogue exchanges. This is achieved with the use of changing environments and
colour adjustment in each scene to portray the emotions and theme of the scene. The story aims
to have a soft structure, two players can have vastly different interpretations analogous to
reading a poem.
Moreover, it is the intention to shed light on the possibility of having Game Design and
Programming Design Patterns included in the Information Engineering with Media syllabus on
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). Game designing is inherently object-oriented from its
foundation, and with the ability to render object instances (Game Object), it can aid the
following generations of students with understanding OOP concepts. Also, the incorporation
of design patterns, can help the students to write more reusable code.