Summary: | Copper alloys are utilized for heat management in various industries, including
aerospace, due their outstanding thermal conductivity. Nickel alloys are also used in
aerospace applications for their high strength at extreme temperatures. Additive
manufacturing (AM) of Nickel-aluminium-bronze (NAB) and Inconel alloy 725 (IN725)
multi-materials by laser additive manufacturing directed energy deposition (LP-DED) is
expected to enhance their operational temperatures and mechanical performance.
However, preliminary research conducted on NAB/IN725 multi-materials revealed
defects at the interface between the alloys, impairing their performance. To fill this gap,
this research studied and successfully optimized the LP-DED process parameters to
improve the interface quality of the multi-material, which lead to enhanced mechanical
performance. Multi-material specimens were fabricated with varying laser power and
printing speeds and were subjected to hardness tests to obtain their hardness properties.
The results from this research revealed that defect-free NAB/IN725 multi-material
interfaces can be achieved with higher laser power and printing speeds, establishing a
relationship between defect growth and process parameters. A new phase and three types
of precipitates were found in the NAB and IN725 layers as well as the NAB/IN725
interface. This research provides a framework for future analysis of AM of NAB/IN725
multi-materials. The results obtained can provide guidance for further exploration of
optimized process parameters and material orientations of the multi-material.