Summary: | Fibre Metal Laminates (FML) are hybrid structural materials made from interlacing
thin metallic and composite layers with resin adhesives. Today, FMLs are widely
used in fuselage compartments and other parts of the aircraft in the aerospace
industry. The newest type of FML, GLARE, possesses excellent strength and
damage tolerance properties. However, more studies are required to better
understand GLARE and its crack propagation resistance properties.
Our literature review will begin with a review of the different toughening
mechanisms for composite materials. We will examine intrinsic and extrinsic
toughening mechanisms and their applications in crack propagation resistance for
composite materials. We will also delve into the three types of fracture modes and
investigate the fibre bridging process in composites. The varied factors affecting the
stresses and elongations of the bridging fibres during the fibre bridging process will
be examined. Lastly, we will extensively review linear elastic fracture mechanics,
including Griffith’s Theory and Irwin’s Modifications. The study will involve
calculating the bridging stresses and the crack-tip stress intensity factor values.
Our study will use the Boundary Element Method to analyse different parameters
that could affect the fibre bridging process. Namely, the factors investigated were
different crack configurations, crack size ratios, fibre bridging extent, power-law
indices, and the shapes of the delamination zone. The metrics used for evaluation
were the bridging stresses and normalised stress intensity factor.
The computational results from the boundary element analysis were iterated to
determine the stable final value for comparison. The results showed that both the
fibre bridging stresses and normalised crack tip stress intensity factors increased as
the crack size ratio increased. Inversely, the results for both the fibre bridging
stresses and normalised crack tip stress intensity factor continue to increase as the
extent of the fibre bridging in the laminate decreases. The bridging stresses tend to be
lowest in the double-edge cracks, followed by the circular cracks, while the edge
crack configurations have the highest bridging stress values.
Following the computational results collected, we were able to plot the relationship
between different parameters and crack propagation for different extents of fibre
bridging in GLARE laminates. These results gave us a better understanding of how
each parameter contributes to the crack propagation process through fibre bridging.